


2017-06-19 i Allmänt

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Passa på att besöka LKAB:s gruva i Malmberget.

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LKAB mine tour

As a special offer to all participants in Laponia Triathlon and their families or friends we can offer an exclusive visit to the LKAB iron ore mine in Malmberget. 

The iron mine in Malmberget is one of the world´s largest underground mines with production all the way down at 1250 meters under the ground. LKAB even have a restaurant for the miners down at the 1250-level!

LKAB produces enough iron for more than 6 Eiffel towers, each day.

Don´t miss this great opportunity! Make your reservations on the link below.

Minimum age to join the tour is 12 years and the price is SEK 150 for children and 250 for adults. The tour takes about 3 hours and starts and ends at Quality Hotel Lapland.

Before going down into the mine, you will be provided safety clothing, helmet and boots. 

There are 33 places available on each of the three tours:

- Thursday July 6, at 10:00 am
- Friday July 7, at 10:00 am
- Monday July 10, at 10:00 am

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